who we are

we are a 3rd generation farming family living life to the fullest and chasing dreams together. 

Joe and Sarah are raising their 3 daughters on Joe's family farm, Fischerdale Holsteins. He is a 3rd generation Dairy Farmer, and she is living her best Green Acres life co-owning a wedding & event planning company, Cherry Blossom Events

our story

Through the current economic times for farmers across the country, we try to remind ourselves each day to take a moment and pray that if today we lose our hope, to please remind us Lord your plans are better than our own dreams. We are in it together and having fun along the way. 

No one ever said it would be easy. We knew that when we decided to commit to farming. We know that the future is undecided, but what we can decide is to take the risk. To raise our children on the family farm in hopes to someday host our own grandchildren here for Christmas. 

continuing to find the fun, and find the love. through the day to day challenges of being a small family dairy farm in today's world, we choose happiness. 

some love

The focused one. She loves fully and cares deeply. She's passionate and full of joy. Payton loves to be creative and create. 

payton sarbacker

The hostess with the mostest. Sarah always has the family's plans all in order but leaves time for creating the fun. Making every moment worth celebrating, she was born to party. 

sarah sarbacker

The rock to our family. The stable and wise one. In any critical situation you'll find Joe with a childlike smirk across his face. His love for the land and cows is undeniable. 

joe sarbacker

party of 5

The dog. Our country pup was born on March 4, Joe's grandfather's birthday. How fitting for our first puppy to share his birthday with the patriarch of our farm's legacy.  

+ milo jr. sarbacker

The wild one. She is wild and free, but sweet and caring all at the same time. She loves adventure and Reagan's spirit is infectious to other's around her. 

reagan sarbacker

The engineer. Lovingly empathetic. She will be the first to raise her hand to help and we're convinced she can talk to the animals. Born an animal lover, we have to watch Braelyn so she won't sneak the barn cats in the house. 

braelyn sarbacker
